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15 Gift Ideas for Inmates

15 gift ideas for prisoners tyro blog

Creative, prison-friendly gifts for your loved ones in prison

It was hard enough to buy gifts for Ron when he was home. When it he went to prison, it got even harder.  If you are wondering what you can get as a gift for your man, you have come to the right place!

Whether the gift is for a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or just to send some love and encouragement his way, I have you covered!

Here are 15 ideas for gifts for prisoners:

1. Embossed envelopes

Creating or purchasing envelopes for your loved one to use in prison will allow them to have  the freedom to mail letters and will remind them of your and their family every time they pick up a pen to write.

2. Money on their books

It is a lot to ask, but sometimes only a few dollars can go a long way. From purchasing audio books, education materials, clothing or snacks, setting aside event a couple dollars a month can make a difference in their life. 

Creating a home made card can allow for your children to create a long-lasting and personalized connection to your loved one. If you have children, this can be especially meaningful for them.

homemade gift ideass for inmates tyro blog

4. Write them a poem in fancy handwriting

Letters are a great way to give a lasting gift to your loved one. Letters and poems can be revisited on difficult days and offer solace when you are not able to be there physically for them. 

5. Send your loved one a picture of yourself

A simple photo can mean the world to your loved one in prison. This should be modest photo that will help them form a connection with you in the midst of their incarceration. 

6. Picture of their children

This is on e of the most powerful ways to keep your loved one focused and allow for them to keep their family in front of them.

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This is a practical way to show them you are thinking about them and can include the entire family. (check the institiution for rules)

8. Sundry box

(check with the institution for the rules – there a lot of things you can buy for him this way)

9. Pictures drawn by their children

For those who haven’t been incarcerated, we may take fro granted the little tinged like pictures, spelling assignments and letters that children love to create. The next time your children create one one these mementos, take a minute and mail It to them. You will not regret it. 

When you are particularly missing them, take a few minutes and write out a handwritten letter to them. Letters are a great opportunity to keep the connection with your partner strong over time. This letter should not be explicit as they are often screened by prison staff.

write him letters

Depending on the location and tope of facility, this may be challenging, but planning as prison visit wether its a surprise or planned will be an incredible blessing in their lives. 

Books are a great way to show them that you care about them and their hobbies. If you are interested in ordering them a book, ask them what sort of books there are interested in reading or ask them If there is a specific books they would like. 

An easy way to spark dreaming in your family is to create a Family Dream Board together.  You can do this by drawing during a prison visit, or you can do it at home and take a picture of it and send it to Dad.  If you do it at home, you can use pictures from magazines instead of drawing. Draw pictures of your dreams for your future with him and send him a picture of it.

14. Magazine subscription

setting up a magazine subscription can creating a long-lasting gift and allow for them to continue to receive magazines in the future. 

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This is a fun way to add some value to your prison visits and show your loved one you are  looking forward to connecting with them. 

Get creative and remember to follow the prison rules so he can get and keep the gifts you send to him.

I am rooting for you!


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