Catherine Tijerina's Blog
If you are just reading this blog, welcome!
I am passionate about helping to restore families and become men and women worth following. Here, we will share stories, testimonials, tools, and keys to navigate visiting and connecting with a loved one in prison. This is a very personal message for me as my family has lived it.
Throughout this blog, you will hear stories on my family’s personal experience with welfare and incarceration. As a culture, we watch shows on how families interact, and we read magazines about family drama. But when it comes to our own families, we sometimes have no idea how to communicate or even maintain relationships with each other! So many families appear to have it all together, but behind closed doors, no one really talks. Husband and wife don’t sleep in the same room and parents have no idea what is going on in the lives of their children.
"The truth is, we are all tired of not having a meaningful relationship with our spouse or kids."
We are searching for something that will fix our broken family. No one wants to feel as if they are failing as a wife, husband, mother, or father. But, there is hope. There is a better way. And the times of being a “fake happy family” can be put in the past.
Through the trials and tribulations our family has gone through, we have learned how to adapt with this “new world.” We have learned and developed a new model of living as a healthy family. This model is built upon the five principles you will learn about in my book – High Five – Love Never Fails.
I hope this blog encourages and give you hope. If our family overcame the odds, yours can too.
Want to learn more?
HIGH FIVE: Love Never Fails is both an engaging narrative and a blueprint for family success. The book begins with the Tijerina family sharing how they beat impossible odds to not only survive, but thrive. Next, the authors- Ron, Catherine, and Brandon Tijerina- compellingly share the 5 principles that enabled them to overcome these unimaginable obstacles in order to help their readers build strong, resilient families like theirs.
What is TYRO?

TYRO is a holistic, multi-faceted character-building program, designed to strengthen individuals and families. The word TYRO is Latin, meaning novice, apprentice, or someone learning something new. It teaches participants how to overcome destructive generational cycles that oftentimes tear families apart and keep individuals stuck in patterns of defeat. for more on this, visit tyro365.com.