Losing your partner to the prison system is one of the worst things that can happen to a family.
Welcome back, friends! This is the third blog on the top three things that will keep you from healing from the trauma of this experience. No matter what other people think, this is a BIG deal. …
Can anxiety keep you from healing?
Hello Friend! Welcome back.
Overcoming hurt, disappointment and rejection is not easy. It is even more difficult when we do not recognize what is holding us back from healing. In my last blog, I talked about how fear can keep you from healing. Today, I am going to share how…
Do you ever feel "stuck"?
Hello Friends! I want to talk to you about healing. I am talking about totally overcoming all the pain in your life, becoming better and not bitter, and letting your past qualify for your future success. I mean moving beyond the pain and disappointment to a place where you no…
“I came in alone, and I am going out alone.”
I despise that saying. It is such a lie, and it creates a false sense of pressure to make it out of this experience all by yourself. Nobody becomes successful by themselves, and not many are facing the hardships you are dealing with every day.
Are you affecting or INFECTING others
Hello friends! Thanks for dropping in to see what we will be talking about today. I am glad you did! I have something really, really, really important to share with you. This will help you become successful and help you get through this time that your man is in…
When Ron first went to prison...
I was so overwhelmed that my priority for my children was to make sure they were fed and safe. That is all I could I mange; keep them from starving or getting hurt. It seems like a pretty low threshold for effective parenting now. But at the time, I…
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
After Ron's sentencing, I was full of anger. How could they do this to my family?! How could a judge admit to having doubt about someone’s guilt and then turn around and impose a 14-25 year sentence? I couldn’t believe what I had just heard in the courtroom. What in the…
Having a broken heart is one of the most painful experiences imaginable
There are so many reasons people experience a broken heart—but they all fall into one category, loss. That loss may be to death, prison, divorce, an affair, or another lie. The loss knocks the breath out of you and steals away your joy. …
Should I tell my kids the truth about where their daddy is?
Hello, friends! Today, I want to address the question, “Should I tell my kids the truth about where their daddy is?” It is a question I am asked all the time. We all want to protect our children from pain. As moms, we…
What are you chasing?
I have chased many things in my life. Most of the time, the things I thought were really important weren’t. I discovered the most important race to win is the Dream Chaser race. Let me ask you a very important question. Do you have a dream? Or did you stop dreaming…