To start the process of renewing, you must change the ways you think.
I am going to say it again, prison changes everything.
You cannot possibly live through a prison experience unaffected by it. The questions you should be asking are: “Do I have any power to determine the impact prison will have on me and my family?” and “How will it change me and my family?” The…
Walking through the experience of incarceration is one of the hardest things you will ever do.
And getting THROUGH it is exactly what I mean. You cannot get stuck in one of the levels if you want to change your life and legacy. The steps toward healing will turn into a cycle of self-destruction when…
If you are just joining me on my blog – Welcome! This blog post is part of a series I am writing on how to overcome a prison experience. I had been married for 5 years before my husband was sent away to prison on a 14-25 year sentence. The path out of the pain,…
Welcome back, warrior! You are reading part 3 of a 10-part series on how to heal and overcome incarceration as a family. You are going to make it – don’t give up! Trying to figure out how to get through the pain and loss of someone going to prison is really difficult without a roadmap…
A CDC report, Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2017, confirms what we already know. The majority of our teens are NOT having sex.
a full 60.5 percent of U.S. high school teens reported they have never had sex! And the trend toward abstinence is going up, not down.
It is not surprising to find that when we…
In my last blog post, I talked about Shock (read this post). The shock of your loved one going to prison is a feeling you will NEVER forget. But, the good news is, shock can be the first stage of moving toward acceptance and healing. The bad news is, it can also easily become the…
I will never forget the experience of Ron going to prison.
It changed everything. It changed my family, my opinion of the justice system, and my world view. It changed who I was. The change was immediate, and yet also a journey. You have to experience it to understand how much prison affects your life. …
We have all heard the saying, “It isn’t what you know; it is who you know.”
If you are like me, you imagined people connected to powerful politicians, wealthy individuals, and business owners having it easy because they knew somebody.
I have learned what is true and what is not true about that picture! It is…
If you are like me, you have been hearing a lot about leadership
and what it takes to be a great leader– integrity, hard work, fairness, consistency, courage. The list goes on. All those things are true. There are a lot of skills you must learn and practice to become a great leader. And I…