At TYRO, we not only believe in second chances, we are committed to bringing generational restoration. In the U.S. alone, nearly one in three adults have a criminal record. For many, the battle of overcoming the social stigmas that comes with this is just beginning. As they serve their time in prison, their biggest challenge may yet be coming home. It is documented that at least *44,000 social stigmas, restrictions and barriers exist that limit one’s ability to re-enter society. From housing and transportation, to employment and insurance, it can be difficult for those leaving the prison gates to come home and re-enter society.
In view of this, TYRO is joining with over 700 other organizations including the White House this month to support Second Chance month. The vision of Second Chance month, created by Prison Fellowship in 2017, is to create a better future for formerly incarcerated people. There are many things one must overcome to start afresh. From social stigmas, to physical barriers and prejudices, it is important for communities, businesses and organizations to work together to create a new culture for re-entry.

Through TYROs many program partners, we are working to bridge this gap. As our program partners help returning citizens overcome their personal barriers, break negative cycles, reunite with family, and become healthy leaders, we can help formerly incarcerated people truly have a second chance.
Some of the ways TYRO’s program partners are bridging the gap for our returning citizens is through community partnerships and career opportunities. Some organizations like the RIDGE project, an Ohio-based non-profit, create opportunities for returning citizens to take leadership, communication, Ethics training programs for free. In addition to providing free programs, they have partnered with trucking companies, food services and other career opportunities to give formerly incarcerated people a fresh start.
For the families of incarcerated, many have experienced the trauma right along with their loved one in prison. From social scorn, to limited opportunities it can be hard on the families too. In Ohio, The RIDGE Project worked with the legislature to create the Ohio Forgotten Victims of Crime Month. Every April, Ohio highlights the families who are impacted by incarceration. This effort hopes to not only support the families who have been left in the dark, but to show those who are not aware of the pain these families go through. As we become more aware of how incarceration affects the entire family, we can become better positions to help the whole family in the process.
Other ways some TYRO organizations are working to build bridges and start new legacies is through Alumni communities. These alumni communities offer a place for those who have taken tyro to give back to their community and connect with like-minded people who will help each other accomplish their goals. Some organizations such as Anthem Strong Families even celebrate their TYRO program completers with a cap-and-gown style ceremony. This type of celebration is
When we as a society begin to remove barriers to housing, education, employment and instead foster opportunities, we can bridge the gap for our returning citizens. These opportunities will create lower recidivism rates, build trust and build connections, making a path forward for those coming home from prison.