Spring is finally here. The dreary days in between Christmas and spring are past us. As warm weather approaches, most of us have the itch to spruce up your house. From purging old clothes, to dusting off those unseen places, spring offers a unique opportunity each year to press reset on your home.
As you are getting the spirit of spring cleaning, take some time to consider your relationships too. Friendships are some of the more fulfilling things in life, but there are many kinds of friendship, and at times, these relationships need to be re-defined. Anyone who is fortunate enough to have friends knows they don’t always turn out for the better. If left unchecked, we often can find ourselves on the wrong end of a friendship-gone-wrong.
In life, we are sure to come across a wide variety of people we have relationships with. From our mechanic, to our best friend, we have a vast variety of people we are connected to. Although it is good and important to have a life filled with people, it can be harmful if we fail to identify those people who are adding to our life and those who are taking away from us.
At TYRO, we teach a principle that is crucial to having healthy, thriving relationships. As you grow, you will undoubtedly want to help others grow as well. It is important to realize that there is a need to create limits in some of the people you are in relationship with. Without setting boundaries, this cycle of investing in other’s lives can take away from your live and those closest to you. Boundaries are a simple way of defining your relationships in means of limiting your time and resources. This will empower you to have relationships that are healthy and growing.
It can be easy to see people’s needs and take their burdens on yourself. Indeed, it can be rewarding to invest in others lives. But there must be a balance. Although it can be a challenge to set boundaries to in your relationships, it is crucial in order to have a healthy, thriving life.

As you consider your relationships, it is important to think about who may have too much influence in your life. Evaluating this may also help you discover the need to set some boundaries with people. At the end of the day, you alone have the power on how much someone influences you.
Influence is a powerful thing. All too often, we allow people in our lives to have too much influence over us. When we do, people who may not have our best interest at heart can affect us in negative ways. This method of defining the people in your life is both liberating and reflective. This is your opportunity to take the reins on your relationships.
For more information, check out TYRO Leadership on-demand.