Varying on where you live, the temperatures outside have gotten much colder while the days are getting much longer. This can only mean one thing, winter is in full force. Winter certainly makes it tricky to find things to do, especially when you throw the COVID-19 pandemic on top of it. Despite all of this, it’s still important to not let winter get the best of you and your family. This is why we’ve provided a list of some awesome activities, both indoor and outdoor, for you and your family to do this winter.
Indoor: Make Hot Chocolate
A classic activity to do during winter. Hot chocolate is sweet, tastes great, and provides some extra warmth in your belly during the coldest season of the year. On top of that, it’s affordable and incredibly easy to make which makes it a great activity to do with your children. For extra fun, add some marshmallows into the cup too.

Outdoor: Snowball Fight
Speaking of classic winter activities, why not have a snowball fight? It’s a great way to stay active and the kids will have a lot of fun doing it. You can have each person build their own little snow-fort or igloo for some cover. After everyone has built their base, let the games begin. For an extra incentive, make it a competition and let the winner choose what you have for dinner.
Indoor: Movie Marathon
Movie marathons can be activities year-round because they’re such a great indoor activity for families. However, they’re especially fun in the winter. With it being so cold outside, you get to bust out your comfiest clothes and your warmest blankets. You can couple this activity with some hot chocolate and make it a great way to spend some time with your family indoors. All you have left to do is pick your favorite movies to watch, just make sure you give everyone a turn.
Outdoor: Sledding
Take a look online and find some local hills or slopes that you and your family can go sledding on. Sledding is a fun activity that is incredibly inexpensive when compared to a lot of other winter activities. All you need is a sled (or a sled-like object), some snow, and a hill. If you have multiple sleds, you could have some competition here with races to the bottom. Your kids will love it and the walk back up the hill will be a great exercise for everyone.
Indoor: Indoor Campout
Maybe the weather is too cold or all the wood is too wet to start an outdoor fire. No need to fear, indoor campfires can provide all the same fun. All you need is access to some warm temperatures to roast your marshmallows. If you have an indoor fireplace, that will work perfectly. If not, stovetops work just as well. Get some s’more supplies and get cooking. To make it a true campout, build some indoor tents/forts out of blankets and pillows. What makes this activity so great is you can combine it with the other indoor activities on this list and make it a whole day event.
Outdoor: Build a Snowman
You can’t really talk about winter activities without talking about building a snowman. Building a snowman is probably the most common activity to do during the winter and with good reason too. It’s easy, your children will love it, and it’s something you can all do together. Feel free to decorate it with some button eyes, a top hat, scarf, and some stick arms for the full effect.