Time is one of the most coveted things we have. We can spend our time on almost anything. Almost every aspect of our life is utilizing our time. Weather we realize it or not, our time is a commodity that others will try to take from you. This creates a constant pull on our lives, causing us to spend more and more time doing more things.
When we’re constantly moving and rushing around, we miss important moments in life.
I doubt there’s anyone who hasn’t been told at some point in their life that they needed to “slow down” and “stop and smell the roses.” It’s all too easy to become so caught up in the next thing that it feels like there’s no time to slow down. If you do slow down, something isn’t going to get done. But here’s the thing. When we’re constantly moving and rushing around, we miss important moments in life. From missing important directions to missing out on opportunities with loved ones, when we are too busy, we forget to enjoy what we’re doing.
For example, someone we know was in college when they were given an assignment that seemed strange, and like a waste of time, but it truly changed their view on life. Their assignment was to pick an object and study it with all five senses for thirty minutes. Not doing anything else. Not listening to music or having the TV on in the background. Solely studying the object. They chose to study an orange. After five minutes, it became very boring. But after ten minutes, they became fascinated. There was so much more detail than they ever imagined was there. A seemingly simple object was so much more complex than they could had ever imagined!

"There is beauty in the ordinary. You have the opportunity to be present and engage fully in your relationships and your work."
The same is true of the events of our lives. At first, everything probably feels ordinary and boring. This is just your life; it’s not anything special. But when youake a moment to decide to look a little deeper, so much more is seen. There is beauty in the ordinary. You have the opportunity to be present and engage fully in your relationships and your work. There are details you have never noticed before that make your life special. These special details are the things that define us all. When we learn to discover these attributes in others, we will have more fulfilling relationships and better lives.
I know it seems like there isn’t enough time to slow down, but there is more time in your day than you can realize.
Our bodies need rest in order to function their best. When we are constantly busy and rush through life, we wear ourselves out, and though we probably don’t realize it in the moment, are working less effectively than we could. When you slow down and rest, you will accomplish things more quickly and with less stress than when you’re worn out — which makes accomplishing the task more enjoyable as well!
Life is a journey, not a race. If you have worked so hard that you haven’t enjoyed your life or the relationships you have, you have missed out on some of the best things in life. If you don’t slow down, you’ll look back and not be able to remember the years you spent to get where you are. What does that leave you with? However, when you slow down, your reward is knowing you have been there for your family and friends, knowing that you have enjoyed your life and growth you’ve accomplished. So, take a breath. Slow down, and enjoy each moment.