There are many barriers to sustaining a relationship with someone who is incarcerated. From the challenges of communication, to the financial and emotional effects it carries, prison relationships take effort. Today, we will share some ways to help you and your partner manage prison relationships.
For the over 2 million men and women currently in prison in the United States alone, this is a reality. Despite the many hurdles that couples must overcome, couples not only survive prison, many thrive. Here are a few ways that couples with a partner in prison can make their relationship stronger.
Quality Time – There are many ways for families to spend time together. Many families choose to set aside a specific time each night to talk on the phone as a family. This is an opportunity to keep your loved one involved in your family’s life. From the daily goings on, to staying updated on important life moments, these calls can create an opportunity for your family to be a normal family for a moment. In addition, it will help your partner on their re-entry journey by giving them hope for the future.

Learning to Listen – Listening is one of the greatest skills you can hone. Not only will listening allow for your partner to feel heard, it will create a more open flow of communication and mutual trust. For more about learning communication skills, check out this online program we developed.
Write Letters – Writing letters is a great way to keep the relationship strong. Not only do letters allow for one to write their thoughts in an intentional way, it also offers an opportunity to allow for consistent conversation. Letters are also an excellent way to save correspondence to read again and again. Furthermore, there is not a prison in America that won’t allow you to write letters to your loved one.
Visiting Rooms – One of the most important things you can do for your family is to attend family visits. Family visits allow the opportunity for you to share a meal together, play games, hold hands, and talk face-to-face. Create memories with your partner and plan a visit to your loved one. As you plan your family visit, read this article to make sure you are prepared.

Don’t Forget to Flirt – Every couple needs to have fun, your prison relationship is no exception. In the midst of all the stress, it can be easy to forget to flirt with your partner. From navigating legal, financial and other important news, couples must not forget to keep conversations light and fun as much as possible.
Find Shared Interests – As couples grow older, many couples’ interests may change. This is especially the case in regards to prison relationships. Take time to think about how you can grow your relationship by discovering shared interests in your life.
Create New Memories – Creating memories with your loved one will allow for renewed interest and keep the flame of love going strong. While this is true for every relationship, it will require creativity to navigate the limitations found in prison relationships. Be creative and make spaces in your relationship to foster growth in your lives.