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Broken but Brave

broken but brave prison blog

Brokenness has a way of putting everything in a new light.  

Suddenly, the small things do not matter anymore.  They fall to the background as shadows of a life that no longer exists. The future stares at you defiantly, taunting you with challenges you feel unprepared to meet.  Now, more than ever before, you must be brave.

Bravery is not needed when you are confident about your ability to overcome.  

Courage to bravely face every demon that stands between you and your destiny is required when you are broken.  You must face your fears to achieve your dreams.  But, amid brokenness, it is easy to lose sight of your goals and slip into hopelessness.  Reigniting your passion and learning to dream again are the keys to moving beyond the brokenness.

overcoming hardships

You can be broken and brave at the same time!  I know. I have been there.  When Ron had to return to prison after being released for 6 months, I was devasted.  I could not see a clear path to continue to fight for my family.  Disappointment and despair overwhelmed me.  Hope seemed so far away, and my dreams began to fade as I started to believe that they were unobtainable.  I will never forget the pain that washed away my passion and left me feeling alone and abandoned.  It took every ounce of determination I had to keep moving forward.  Every. Single. Bit.

My will was stronger than the defeat I was facing.  

I determined to move out of that brokenness as quickly as possible. Still, I also had to embrace the experience to become better and not bitter.  As each day passed, I became more resilient and built the endurance I needed to face the obstacles before me.  The brokenness and grief that threatened to consume my dreams soon ignited my desire to achieve my purpose. They propelled me to an even deeper commitment in my faith.  Brokenness can create the tipping point you need to acquire your breakthrough.

You have the choice to leverage your brokenness or embrace it.  

Brokenness allows you to take a hard look at your life and your goals if you let it. Once you recognize your limitations, you can develop a plan to reach your goals despite your shortcomings. However, if you embrace brokenness as the end of your dreams, you will live the rest of your life in regret and sorrow.  It will take a full dose of bravery to continue on in your journey and learn from this pain.

Bravery is defined as “courageous behavior or character.”  It is a behavior – an action.  You might not feel brave, but you can choose to keep moving forward despite the pain.  Bravery is the action of facing everything so you can recover.  Do not hide and hope it will disappear.  Fear will multiply and paralyze you if you ignore it.  Muster your courage, face your fears, and build a new legacy for your family.  Be brave!

I am rooting for you!
