No one goes into a relationship looking to be hurt. In fact, most people that find themselves in toxic or even abusive relationships might even say they saw the warning signs but didn’t know how to avoid the negative outcome. It may be encouraging to know that there are several things you can practice in your relationship right now that will set safeguards, and enable a healthy and thriving relationship.
Talk openly. Open communication creates a place to talk about real feelings. Many couples avoid difficult topics and end up resenting their partner over time. When couples do not know how to have open conversations, it can lead to couples growing distant or even toxic.
Communicate your frustrations and fears. This is a crucial aspect for a healthy relationship and building trust and respect. If you are sensing a buildup of emotions or a constantly being short with your partner, have an intentional conversation and talk about all the emotions you are feeling. Be sure to make space for them to share as well.

Be intentional. One of the most common pitfalls in a relationship is to coast through life. Thus, this can lead to couples not feeling appreciated or even seen. As you evaluate ways to avoiding a relationship from becoming toxic, intentional acts of kindness is one of the best ways to foster emotional growth. Hitting reset on your relationship is indeed one of the most powerful ways to rekindle your relationship. Intentional actions can be a great way to keep your relationship healthy – from date nights, to thoughtful gifts and then doing chores for them.
Share your emotions. For some, sharing their emotions is a very natural thing to do – for others, it can truly be a challenge. From saying “I love you”, to giving words of encouragement, these words of affirmation can be a crucial part of your relationship.
Learn their love language. There are many ways that people prefer to be shown love. From simple gifts, to words of affection or quality time, it can be helpful to know what makes you tick. To learn more, take the short love languages quiz to discover what your love language is. If possible have your partner take it too. Learning what their love language is can surely be one of the best ways to be intentional.
Moreover, these practices will enhance your relationship satisfaction. Without it, couples may feel disenfranchised, overlooked and bitter. Above all, intentional actions in your relationship will help you avoid resenting your partner or creating a toxic buildup. The reality is not all couples are able to resolve their issues by themselves. Regardless of the outcome, these boundaries and communication practices will help to provide honest and open communication in your life.