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how to stay motivatred on a friday tyro blog

How to Stay Motivated on a Friday

The best day of the week is almost here... FRIDAY!! It’s time to relax and put some well-earned “me time” in. But today is Thursday and there’s still work that needs to be done.  TGIF! But in case you forgot, the Grind Includes Friday. Leaving work on a Friday with a huge list of to-dos can weigh on you and distract you from enjoying your weekend to its fullest. Today, stay focused…

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overworking tyro blog

Dealing with workplace stress

Determine Is working too hard a bad thing? Hard work can be a wonderful thing. Since the dawn of civilization people have felt the need to conquer new lands, chart unknown territories, and provide a fulfilling future for ourselves and our families. The desire to work hard for what we want, and need, is morally…

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creative space blog banner tyro success

Create your Creative Space

For most people, finding time to think creatively is too elaborate a thought to conceive. Regardless of your occupation, personality, or temperament, we all benefit from creative thoughts. When we deprive ourselves from creative thinking, we cal lose sight of the vision for what we're doing. As an American, I am surrounded by creative people,…

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Smarter working tyro blog

Smart Working

If you are like me, you are reading this while attempting to do seven other things, hoping to gain valuable ground you lost at some other point in the day; all the while praying you will unearth some precious gem that will help you become radically successful. The reality is, we are all busy, or…

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communication tips TYRO Success

Communication Tips

Regardless of where you are in the business food-chain, effective communication can be a struggle. We all have heard a co-worker or business partner express frustration over someone not being transparent, authentic, or even vulnerable. In fact, most of the complaints heard on the factory floor, in the cubicle next to you, in board meetings,…

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repair a relationship tyro family blog

How to Repair a relationship

Some years ago, a therapist named Susan, who had four decades of experience, confessed that she felt more like a divorce facilitator than a couples’ counselor because, for 90% of the couples she saw, it was already too late. She explained that she was the last stop, not the first, and that by the time…

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