If you have a romantic relationship with a prisoner, you need to know what I am about to share! I spent 15 years visiting my husband in prison and during that time I witnessed a lot of crazy relationships. You need to know what the warning signs are so you can protect yourself, your family and your marriage.
There are two different types of warning signs that I am going to share with you.
First, in this blog, I am going to talk about the warning signs that tell you that your relationship is in trouble. In my next blog, I am going to share with you the signs that YOU are in trouble and need to get out of an unhealthy prison relationship. You need to know what warning signs to watch for, and what to do when you see these signs. Remember, signs and symbols are for the conscious. Do not ignore important warnings in your relationship!
Maintaining a healthy relationship while your husband/partner is in prison is hard work.
I know I say that a lot—because it is true. You cannot imagine that having a relationship with someone who is in prison will be a piece of cake. It isn’t. In order to keep your relationship strong and thriving, you will need to stay awake and be aware of signs when your marriage is growing stale or your relationship is getting distant.

Warning Signs
There are four warning signs that things are not well with your relationship:
- Boredom – if you are feeling bored and uninterested in what your partner is saying or doing- or if he seems to be bored with you, then there is a problem. Call it out, talk about it, and get to work fixing it.
- Communication – If letters, emails, calls, or talking together is becoming a chore so you are doing it less and less often, your relationship is in trouble. You need to invest MORE time connecting to each other. Don’t let the distance suffocate your commitment to each other. Invest more time and energy in finding things you can enjoy sharing with each other.
- Fights – if everything turns into an argument or fight, then you are headed for big trouble. Constant fighting further indicates unresolved issues or a power struggle. Identify what is triggering the animosity between you and start resolving the conflict so you can move beyond it.
- Secrets – if either of you starts keeping secrets from the other one, you are growing apart. Secrets have no place in a healthy relationship (except for surprises!) If you are battling sharing something with your partner, then you need to ask yourself why you are keeping this secret. Withholding information from each other consequently breeds and feeds mistrust, jealousy, and anger. Find ways to rebuild your emotional connection and resist the urge to keep things from each other.
Warning Signs
Again, if you notice ANY of these signs over the course of 3 weeks or more, then you need to get busy working on reconnecting with your loved one! There are lot of distractions that can cause distance in your relationship. If you are not diligent in identifying when things are starting to come between you, prison will steal your relationship.
Check out my other blogs on what you can do to strengthen your relationship if you recognize that things are going south. Ultimately, keeping your relationship strong indeed requires commitment, diligence, and effort. As you work together to keep your relationship healthy, you are in fact building the foundation for your successful future together!
I am rooting for you!