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Author page: info

re-entering society after prison


When returning to society after spending time in prison, there is one thing you are going to need a lot of: patience. Patience for how others may treat you, patience for securing jobs, and patience for feeling secure in your new life. Research shows that it takes an average of three years to be fully…

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parenting collaboratively

Parenting Collaboratively

You may have heard it said that marriage and parenting is about compromise, but today I’m offering a new perspective. Marriage and parenting is about collaboration. Your partner is not an opponent, they are your teammate, and you are working together to raise your children as best you can. For many families, the challenges that they face…

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second chance hiring opportunities

Second Chance Hiring

Second-chance hiring is the hiring of people who have formerly been incarcerated. For the millions of men and women coming home from prison, finding a job is one of the biggest fears they are facing. But it is not simply a practice that “sounds good” from an ethical standpoint. It also offers very real benefits.…

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how to be your own boss

Be your own boss in 2022

Society has always had a need for innovative businesses and creators. In fact, more than ever, there are opportunities for you to create your own business or work part-time as your own boss. As you are reading this, you may be thinking to yourself, I could never be my own boss. Perhaps it’s the fear…

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raising up leaders

Raising up Leaders

Leadership means making tough decisions. Whether you are a parent, boss, teacher or a business owner, there will be times where you need to make decisions about hard things. It requires seeing the big picture and doing what needs to be done for everyone involved. 

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