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Create your Creative Space

For most people, finding time to think creatively is too elaborate a thought to conceive. Regardless of your occupation, personality, or temperament, we all benefit from creative thoughts. When we deprive ourselves from creative thinking, we cal lose sight of the vision for what we're doing. As an American, I am surrounded by creative people,…

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repair a relationship tyro family blog

How to Repair a relationship

Some years ago, a therapist named Susan, who had four decades of experience, confessed that she felt more like a divorce facilitator than a couples’ counselor because, for 90% of the couples she saw, it was already too late. She explained that she was the last stop, not the first, and that by the time…

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Prejudice TYRO blog


Prejudice. I never imagined that I would see prejudice because of a car I drove. It was such a surprise to me when people openly expressed their disdain toward my sons because my car was old and not attractive. When my sons were in baseball. The parents were responsible for providing rides to and from all…

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