It’s hard to imagine what my life could’ve been like if my dad was physically there while growing up, rather than being in prison.
Would I have been better at sports if he was there to show me how to play instead of my mom? Would I have a deeper relationship based on more shared…
Writing letters is one of the most effective ways to stay in contact with a loved one who is incarcerated. While it won’t feel the same as face-to-face conversations, letters offer a great chance to continuously have a dialogue with the incarcerated individual. So, what should write in your letters?
Your loved one on…
If your partner is in prison, this day brings sadness and pain with it as you celebrate yet another holiday with your man behind bars.
Mother’s Day. A day filled with love, laughter, and family time. A day that we dedicate towards mothers to express our respect, honor, and love for moms. Mother’s Day is a day where we acknowledge the roles and various tasks mothers have.
Mother’s Day 2021 is this Sunday. Buying gifts for your loved ones can…
Most days, I pushed through and made progress, but some days I failed, miserably.
So you’re out of prison, now what? What steps can you take to make sure you don’t follow your old path? What can you do to make put yourself in a better position going forward? How do you recreate yourself to be the best possible version of yourself that you can be? Well, this is…
April is National Reentry Month, and you need to take advantage of this opportunity to speak up! Your family lives with the impacts of prison every day, so you already know there are challenges you will need to face during reentry
Unless you have lived through it, you cannot understand the pain and loss someone experiences when their loved one goes to prison. In addition to losing their presence, you also lose reputation. The feelings of isolation, grief, and disgrace can be crushing. Although both you and your man are doing time together, the experience is completely different inside…
Grief does not have to consume your life. You can control the impact of grief on your life by finding things to celebrate during your painful journey.
There’s a lot you need to do before he arrives. It would not be wise of you to ignore the concerns you have about his homecoming. Too many couples wait until they are reunited to start planning how to manage their new lives under the same roof.