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Tips for Parents with Toddlers

The terrible twos. A phase known as the way to describe the developmental stage of a two-year-old- outbursts of tears, temper tantrums, changes of moods and behaviors. When a child usually takes their first steps, this is most likely when this developmental stage will begin. Oftentimes, first-time parents have no idea what is in store…

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prison wife tyro blog

Supporting Friends and Family with someone in prison

Unless you have lived through it, you cannot understand the pain and loss someone experiences when their loved one goes to prison.  In addition to losing their presence, you also lose reputation.  The feelings of isolation, grief, and disgrace can be crushing.  Although both you and your man are doing time together, the experience is completely different inside…

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Planning for your Future

Think about the future for a little bit. Where do you see yourself in five years? Where do you want to be in 10? Maybe you can’t answer that question right now. That’s okay; we have all been there before. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important to still think about. As a matter of…

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Siblings: Having a Strong Relationship

Having a strong relationship with your siblings can be one of the best relationships you will have in your life. Siblings truly can be lifelong friends. The problem is, not everyone has strong relationships with their brothers and/or sisters. Sometimes it’s because we were never close with our siblings or perhaps we had a falling…

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