Depending on where you live, snow days may or may not be quite common when winter rolls around. Either way, snow days provide an awesome opportunity to spend time with your children. Many parents tend to ask themselves, “What do I do with my kids on a snow day?” Well, that’s what we’re here to answer. Check out this list of awesome snow activities to do with your kids:
Go Outside:
If the temperatures aren’t too cold, get yourself and the kids outside and start having fun. Snow may not be everyone’s favorite thing to see, but it does provide a lot of activities to do outside. You and the kids can spend time building snowmen or igloos. You can also build forts and have snowball fights. Or, if you’re feeling like taking it up a notch, find a big hill and go sledding. The snow may not always be fun to see, but it can always be fun to play in.

Bake Some Treats:
Baking can always be a fun activity to do with your kids. It’s not quite as difficult as cooking a full-fledged meal, so it gives the kids an opportunity to help you while learning how to bake. Start with simpler treats like cookies or brownies. It’s simple, inexpensive, and afterward, you and the kids will both have some sweet treats to snack on together.
Snow Painting:
All you will need for this one is some water, empty spray bottles, and food coloring. Mix the water and food coloring in the spray bottle. Then, send them outside, have them point those bottles at the snow, and watch them start painting. The best part is, they have all the snow outside to paint what they want, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning up any messes inside.
Game Day:
No indoor activity list is the same, but almost all of them will recommend game days. This can mean anything from card and board games to video games. If you’re feeling a little competitive, you could try to set up a game tournament with the kids. Let everyone pick their favorite games and make it into a little competition. There are tons of options at your disposal when it comes to games and it’ll be a fun memory that you and your children can share on your next snow day.
Maybe you and the kids would rather take the snow day as a chance to relax and rest up. There is nothing wrong with this. If this is how you’re feeling, try a simpler indoor activity. You could make hot chocolate, build an indoor fort, watch movies, and so on. If you’re feeling up for it, try combining all the activities and making it like a little campout for the indoors. Set up a warm little fort in the living room, have everyone grab their hot beverage, and put on some of your favorite movies.