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Tag: prison


Writing Letters to Inmates

Writing letters is one of the most effective ways to stay in contact with a loved one who is incarcerated. While it won’t feel the same as face-to-face conversations, letters offer a great chance to continuously have a dialogue with the incarcerated individual. So, what should write in your letters? LIFE UPDATES: Your loved one on…

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prison wife tyro blog

Supporting Friends and Family with someone in prison

Unless you have lived through it, you cannot understand the pain and loss someone experiences when their loved one goes to prison.  In addition to losing their presence, you also lose reputation.  The feelings of isolation, grief, and disgrace can be crushing.  Although both you and your man are doing time together, the experience is completely different inside…

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prison visits

Important Actions to Take when your Husband Goes to Prison

  There are many changes that occur when someone goes to prison.  For them, it is like being deposited on another planet.  The culture of incarceration is vastly different from the life we live outside the prison walls.  Right now, your man is learning how to live in a completely different environment.  And though your scenery doesn’t change, your world…

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