So you’re out of prison, now what? What steps can you take to make sure you don’t follow your old path? What can you do to make put yourself in a better position going forward? How do you recreate yourself to be the best possible version of yourself that you can be? Well, this is the article for you!
No matter what you did in your past, the only way you’re going to move forward is to forgive yourself. Don’t worry what other people think of you, you’re in control now. We all make mistakes, nobody is flawless, but now you have a second chance to do better. So let’s do better!

You’ve forgiven yourself, now it’s time to forget your past and hit the reset button. Ask yourself some very important questions. What kind of person are you going to be right now? Who do you want to be going forward? Sometimes, it’s best to cut ties with the old you. Show yourself and your loved ones the person you’re going to be now and in the future.
It’s hard not to dream big sometimes and you should always have your sights on something bigger, but remember the small steps it takes to get there. This isn’t a one solution fits all kind of deal. We’re all different and unique individuals. We all have different dreams and visions for our lives. But life can be a process sometimes. Plan out the steps to get where you want to be and take them on day by day until you reach your goal. After that, set another goal and keep moving forward!
Above all else, love yourself. The key to happiness is loving the person you are today. You don’t have to love your past, that behind you. You do have to love yourself right here, right now. It’s like the old saying, “how can you love someone else if you can’t love yourself first?” Self-love is important because it will bring you internal peace and with internal peace, you’ll have the clear mind you need to rebuild yourself.