From the very first step behind the four walls of a prison, it can feel hopelessly difficult. Despite these challenges there are many men and women who find renewed hope and purpose while incarcerated.
Find Your Purpose – It is vitally important that you find your purpose. Without it, it will be difficult to keep…
Eliminating distractions will empower your life . This principle will give you the ability to accomplish so much more. If someone needs you for something, learn to know when something is important, and when it’s just a distraction.
It never fails.
Every year, when it comes to Spring cleaning, I put it off as long as possible. This bad habit is not because I don’t enjoy the reward of having a fresh, clean house to kick-off a new season, I just don’t want to go through all my stuff. A clean house is…
Everyone wants to enjoy going to work in the morning. This is a basic human need, and if you aren't providing for that need, chances are you aren't attracting the best of your industry to your organization. To create a place for great employees, you must align your organization with these principles. In order to…
When I was in college I began to develop many habits and patterns that set the course for my professional career. One of my staples were all-nighters prepping for finals and pouring over research papers. Fighting the exhaustion with energy drinks and pizza gave me the motivation to push through the stress. In some ways,…
As kids we are taught to go after your dreams
to chase them down and lasso them into our world. As a child, that is a nice sentiment, and can be a powerful motivation to overcome obstacles. Unfortunately, for some, chasing your dreams means overpowering and even bullying those who get in their way or…
Time is a beast we are always looking to master
But what happens when it gets the best of us? Have you ever had someone ask you if you could "make" the time for something? What does that even mean? How often have we heard people say, "I lost track of time" or " I didn't have time"? I realize these are just expressions, but they stem from a universal feeling,…
The best day of the week is almost here...
FRIDAY!! It’s time to relax and put some well-earned “me time” in. But today is Thursday and there’s still work that needs to be done.
TGIF! But in case you forgot, the Grind Includes Friday. Leaving work on a Friday with a huge list of to-dos can weigh on you and distract you from enjoying your weekend to its fullest. Today, stay focused…
We, as humans, are creatures of habit. So, shouldn't you be creating habits that will build a better future for yourself? Building a routine takes time and dedication, but like most things in life the more you do it the more natural it will become. Although routines can be difficult to begin, sticking with them…
Four Keys to Living a More Productive and Fulfilled Life
Productivity. This can be more elusive that the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You would be hard-pressed to find a co-worker, employee or client that doesn’t feel the pressure of business and bottle-necked tasks as the reason for their stress or…