Have you ever misjudged a situation and wished someone would have told you that you were wrong?
Ron and I had an enjoyable experience of taking a boat out on a lake this past summer while we were camping. The pontoon was a top-of-the-line, brand new boat that was owned by the campground. We put the sunshade up and sped across the open lake. The sun was shining, the water and sky were identical colors of blue, and the light breeze was a welcome relief from the heat of the day. We had no idea what we were doing, and we were about to head into a dangerous situation
As we neared a viaduct that connected the shallower water to the deeper, open water of the lake, we noticed that dozens of other boaters were lined up to go under the bridge as well. As we slowed our boat down we observed that from a distance it looked as though our ship was too big to fit under the looming bridge ahead. As we got closer, we noticed people around us taking their phones out to take pictures and waving at us. suddenly, we were only one boat-length away from the bridge when a man on a jet ski sped up to us yelling, “YOU ARE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!! STOP!!!”
Ron immediately put the boat into reverse...

Causing every boat around us to do the same. The man on the jet ski then explained that we needed to put our sunshade down to clear the tunnel. Yikes!! We almost damaged the brand-new boat. Our mishap might have even caused an accident for other boaters. And yet, only ONE person thought enough about us to warn us that we were headed for danger. Everyone else was cheering us on and ready to capture the awful moment on their devices. Thank God we had someone who had enough courage to say, “no!” to us at that moment. It saved us from making a terrible and expensive mistake.
I love having people in my life that always say, “yes!” when I have a new idea. They encourage me and fuel my passion for trying new things. I sometimes wish everybody around me was agreeing with every idea I had. Then, I remember the importance of a timely, “no.” or “stop!” If a stranger had not stopped us, we would have destroyed the boat, our day, and who knows what else! That moment also made me realize that if I had not had both types of people in my life, I would never have been able to overcome all of the challenges I have conquered. I need cheerleaders, but I need coaches even more.
The Cheerleader
I call my friends who always agree with me cheerleaders. Those friends who point out the risks and disagree with me are my coaches. I have learned that it is essential to have both a cheerleader and a coach in my life. If you want to become successful, you need someone to cheer for you all the way to the finish line. A cheerleader roots for you no matter what. When you are coming in last, they will still cheer you on; when you make a mistake, they believe the best of you; and when you have an idea, they encourage you to pursue it. A cheerleader will help you keep going when you think you can’t. They inspire you to get up and try again until you are successful. However, inspiration alone will not make your dreams come true.

The Coach
As you launch your dream, you need to understand the risks you will be taking. There are always risks. If you don’t see them and prepare for them, you will get hurt. You will lose your money, your reputation, and even your passion. A coach is a person who will tell you what you are doing wrong and how to correct it. They will demand more of you than you think you have in you. They set expectations for your performance and help train you so that when the time comes to launch your dream, you are ready. Together, a cheerleader and a coach will get you where you want to go.
As you launch your dream, you need to understand the risks you will be taking.
There are always risks. If you don’t see them and prepare for them, you will get hurt. You will lose your money, your reputation, and even your passion. A coach is a person who will tell you what you are doing wrong and how to correct it. They will demand more of you than you think you have inside of you. A coach set expectations for your performance and help train you so that when the time comes to launch your dream, you are ready. Together, a cheerleader and a coach will get you where you want to go.
As you write down your vision for your future, ask yourself who is cheering you on, and who is training you to reach your goals. You will likely dislike your coach at times. The best coaches do not tell you what you WANT to hear, but what you NEED to hear. It hurts to be told what you are doing wrong. It is irritating to be told you are not ready. A good coach will make sure you are prepared for success in every way. Your cheerleader will make sure you know someone is in your corner, no matter what.
If you want to be successful, you must learn to embrace both the “yes” people and the “no” people in your life. Invite them to help you define and achieve your dreams. Living your purpose is a big responsibility. You need all the encouragement, motivation, and education you can get to make your dreams come true!
I am rooting for you!