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5 Tips to Save Your Money in 2022

The past two years have caused many of us to pay more attention than ever to our financial status. Whether you’re struggling to budget your money or need help saving for the future, we’ve got your covered with 5 ways to help save your money in 2022.

Plan Out Your Expenses Before Each Month

A good way to keep track of how much money you spend each month is by writing down everything typically purchase. This simple step will help you budget how much money you have left over after paying all your bills. Once you  have added your expenses, calculate how much you make every month and subtract that by your expenses. A rule of thumb is to save at least 75% of the remaining amount, with the other 25% used to buy things you may not necessarily need but want throughout the month.

Use a Budget Planner

Using a budget planner will make planning out your expenses every month so much. This will simplify your monthly budget and allow you to have a more consistent outcome each month. While there are many budget planners you can purchase, There are also templates you can find online for free. If you are undecided, try a different free template every month until you find the budget planner that fits your budgeting needs.

Freeze Your Savings Account

Having a savings account that you cannot make withdraws, purchases, or transfers from is a great way to stop yourself from spending your money when you don’t need to. These savings accounts will still allow you to make deposits. If you find yourself using this more often than you want, freezing your account will help you break this cycle and develop a new habit of saving. The best part of freezing your savings account is that you can always unfreeze the account when you are ready to use it again.

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

When beginning to save, you may become discouraged or frustrated. Don’t give up. This is a common feeling most people go through. Learning how to properly save your money is something that may take time and require patience. But don’t stop trying. Using a budget is worth it in the end. As you begin to start saving, its important to think long term, not short term. Your new life of saving your money is empowering, not diminishing.

Get Help If You Need It

 If you’re struggling to save your money, don’t be afraid to ask your friends or family to help. Those who truly care about you will be more than willing to help you. After all, it’s okay to admit that you may not be able to do it on your own, and asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of.


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