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Is it right to wait for a man in jail

wait for your man in prison tyro blog

My answer may surprise you

I am asked by women from all over the world if it is right for them to wait for their man, who is in jail.  My answer might surprise you.  I always say, “No, don’t wait.”

Did this shock you?  So is every person who asks me that question. The next question is always, “Really? Why not?”  And this is the most important question to ask.  Your response to my answer to the second question will determine if your relationship will make it through the ultimate test of commitment and character, prison.

So here it is, my answer to why you should NOT wait for anyone who is in prison.

The definition of wait is, “to stay where one is, or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens.”  Waiting for someone to come home from jail or prison implies stopping any action until your man is released from prison.  Frankly, the worst thing you could do is to sit and do nothing.  If you do nothing, not only will you end up stuck in a terrible place in your own life, you will also end up losing your relationship.

Ron & Cathy Tijerina waiting for your mani in prison

Being faithful takes effort

So, while I am a huge advocate for fighting to keep your family together in spite of prison; I am not an advocate of just “waiting.” Being faithful and keeping your family intact takes a lot of effort.  It will not happen if you decide to delay moving forward in your own life until he is released from prison.  Faithfulness is choosing actions that help your relationship become stronger and healthier.   So, the question should not be whether it is right to wait, but rather whether it is right to remain faithful.  The answer to being faithful is: YES, it is “right” to be faithful to your man while he is in jail or prison.

Reset your relationship

This is an opportunity to reset your relationship and rebuild it on a solid foundation.  You will both have the time, and he will have the motivation, to work on making your relationship great.  I am a hug advocate of rescuing families impacted by incarceration.  I do not believe that there is any family or relationship that is disposable. Just because someone made a mistake does not mean that their life is over.  Many times, it can mean a fresh start and a brand new legacy built on trust, forgiveness, and hope.  Do not give up on your relationship just because he is in prison.  Instead, commit to building a better life together.

You will need to learn to love in a new way while he is in prison.  Communication will become your priority in order to connect to each other more intimately.  Talking together, getting to know each other at a deeper level, and learning how to use the time to build fortitude in your marriage will create bonds between you that you never dreamed were possible.

So, my advice to you is to roll up your sleeves and get to work on keeping your family together.  Do not give up, ignore people who don’t understand, and invest in creating a beautiful future together.

I am rooting for you!


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