Prison can be a lonely place for your loved one. It is often filled with a lot of emotional and mental distress due to the bad decisions one has made. Thinking negatively is common in prison, your loved one needs your help. If you have a loved one in prison, thoughtful and supportive questions can…

Every family is unique and special, which means every family has its own dynamics. Dynamics within families can look very different. From blended families to families with a loved one in prison or active-duty military, there are many challenges facing family culture. From negative words spoken, to toxic patterns, it can be critical to assess…

Why is it that dads are the hardest people to shop for? Whenever you ask what they want for Father’s Day, the answer is always, “nothing.” But you and I both know that they would like something, they just do not want us spending our money on them.

There are days where we constantly feel like we are pressed for time or that we have no time in a day. Whether it is our job, social life, or responsibilities at home, there are times when we feel overworked and burnt out. We all know what it is like to be and feel busy.…

In today’s world, technology is everywhere. But how much time is too much time looking at a screen?

As we’re growing up, we tend to pick up new skills.

Parenting as a whole takes a great deal of commitment and time. It provides a whole new world of challenges, worries, and love. To make the challenge even greater, sometimes one of the parents is serving prison time. While parenting together while one of the parents is serving time can be incredibly difficult, it is…

Having a child is one of the best feelings in the world. Sure, there are tons of stressful times and parenting will always have its challenges. After all, you’re dealing with a tiny little human who is just starting to be exposed to the world. One of the greatest parts of being a parent is…

A broken home can have a lot of negative impacts on those involved, but nobody is affected quite as much as the children in those homes. With the brain still developing, the homes they grow up in can have serious impacts on their life as they move towards adulthood.
One of the biggest impacts…

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” -Sue Atkins
Parents will face many challenges with their children, some more difficult than others. One extremely difficult challenge is how involved to be in your children’s lives. Now all parents should be involved in their children’s lives, but there…