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Self-care for Parents

As parents, we love our children with all our hearts. We know there isn’t anything in the world we wouldn’t do to make their life better. Seeing them happy, makes us happy. However, parenting can be quite hectic. We often find ourselves getting caught up in all the craziness of taking care of our children and their needs that we tend to overlook our own. It’s important we don’t let this happen too much. Simply put, we need to take care of ourselves too. By taking care of ourselves, we make sure that we can be 100% (or at least close to it) for children. You may think you don’t have time, but even just 30-60 minutes a day of self-care will go a long way, and your children will come to appreciate it too. So how do we, as parents, practice self-care?

Physical needs:

Make sure you are taking care of your body. This is one of the most important self-care needs. Physical needs include all things your physical, outer body needs to have to be at its best. Good examples of self-care for your physical needs are:

  • Getting enough sleep
  • Exercising regularly
  • Eating healthy daily
  • Intimate time with your partner
  • Time for your body to relax

Emotional needs:

Self-care for your emotional needs means taking care of yourself mentally. Mental health is so important as a parent. Not only for yourself, but for your children too. Even the most mentally tough people in the world need to dedicate time to taking care of their mental health. The better your mental health is, the more you and your family will reap the rewards. Try some of these emotional self-care remedies:

  • Spend time hanging out or talking with your friends
  • Talk to a loved one about how you’re feeling
  • Dedicate time to things that make you smile and laugh
  • Take a break to recharge
  • Put aside time for your hobbies and interests
  • Join a support group

Self-care as a parent is more important than you think. We know parenting isn’t an easy task. It takes a toll on us mentally and physically. However, it will get much harder if we don’t take care of ourselves too. Don’t be afraid to take your breaks and allow yourself to recharge. Your children, family, and loved ones, in general, want to see you at your best. That starts by taking care of yourself. If you can’t find a little time every day for yourself, then you’ll have to MAKE time. It’s very easy to make excuses for why you can’t but the simple truth is, your own health, physical and emotional, matters too. Don’t fall victim to the high stress and overwhelming feelings of parenting. Practice self-care! You’ve got this!