Feeling Stressed? Try these six tips to increase your workplace productivity.
We’ve all been there. You start the week with high ideals and Wednesday rolls around only to discover you only have a fraction completed of what you set out to accomplish. We are oftentimes too stressed to feel productive. In fact, 83% of U.S.…
How do you feel about Mondays?
Asking yourself this one question could reshape the way you view your world. Mondays can be seen as a dreadful thing or a chance to accomplish much. To some, Mondays are evil harbingers, foreshadowing a week of missed emails, unnecessary meetings, and stressful encounters. Yet to others, Mondays provide…
Relationship Conflict is Inevitable: What Are You Going to Do With It?
"No relationship is perfect – because there is no such thing as perfect." But as Ron and Cathy Tijerina are quick to point out, “A relationship can be permanent.” Let’s face it, every relationship has conflict. It’s unavoidable. Being physically separated from your partner…
Prison visiting rules
Visiting someone in prison can be super stressful if you are not prepared, but it can be a good time to connect and grow together if you ARE prepared. So, let’s make sure you are prepared to get through the gates and into your husband’s arms!
First, what you wear matters.
It matters…
For some time now, emotional intelligence has been a popular term floating around the internet..
in classrooms, and at the water cooler. But, is this just a passing fad or is there really more to it? According to The Gottman Institute (The Institute), “A particularly powerful study tested school-aged children on self-control and conducted follow-up…
Whether you are aware of it or not, every facilitator sends a constant stream of unspoken messages directly to their audience.
It might be an uncomfortable pause, a perky smile, or even the slight tapping of their toes, but these subconscious cues often deliver conflicting messages to your audience. Body language is the way we…