“I do not know why I even come to see you! All we ever do is argue. Every. Single. Time. I cannot wait for this visit to be over so I can get out of here and away from you!” If you were with your husband before he went to prison, I am sure you…
Why is it that dads are the hardest people to shop for? Whenever you ask what they want for Father’s Day, the answer is always, “nothing.” But you and I both know that they would like something, they just do not want us spending our money on them.
Society has always had a need for innovative businesses and creators. In fact, more than ever, there are opportunities for you to create your own business or work part-time as your own boss. As you are reading this, you may be thinking to yourself, I could never be my own boss. Perhaps it’s the fear…
For the over 2 million families that are incarcerated in the United States, finding the time, resources, and effort to keep in touch can be difficult. Although it may seem challenging, there are more ways than ever to stay connected with your loved one in prison. Here are a few ways to stay connected.
There are so many reasons to create your own home garden. Although, for many, having a full operation is not realistic or sustainable. As you begin your summer plans, here are a few simple things you can do to start your very own indoor garden.
For the millions of families who have a loved one in prison, it can be a challenge to make positive memories. From the obstacles that come with visits, to the challenges of keeping up with each other’s lives, it can be discouraging to stay connected with your loved one in prison.
No one goes into a relationship looking to be hurt. In fact, most people that find themselves in toxic or even abusive relationships might even say they saw the warning signs but didn’t know how to avoid the negative outcome.
Finding the time and energy to fight for your legacy now seems impossible. I am here to tell you that it is not impossible. Still, it is imperative that you fight for your family’s legacy every day.
Letters offer news from home and the chance to connect with family and friends. Although there are many ways to connect with your loved one (see article), writing a letter is one of the best ways to maintain a consistent flow of communication.
As you are getting the spirit of spring cleaning, take some time to consider your relationships too. Friendships are some of the more fulfilling things in life, but there are many kinds of friendship, and at times, these relationships need to be re-defined.