Using clear communication skills in your family can be one of the most important tools for your family. Although there are many more, we found 10 key ways to use your communication skills with your family.
Whether it’s a call with a distance relative, a loved one who is incarcerated or or negotiating with a customer service representative, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a satisfactory phone call.
We live in a fast-paced world. Sometimes the world tosses so much towards your family it would be easy to not have structure. But, in reality when we do not allow structure can make our family fall apart. We at TYRO are here to help you realize the importance of establishing structure in your family…
Goals are one of the most effective tools to achieve success. Although it may seem Before you start setting goals to achieve, you first need to know what a goal is. A goal can be short-term or long-term, but it is something you want to achieve. Goals are not a direction you follow, but rather…
Eliminating distractions will empower your life . This principle will give you the ability to accomplish so much more. If someone needs you for something, learn to know when something is important, and when it’s just a distraction.
Growing up I’ve heard stories of how great of a drummer my dad was and still is. In our toy room, my dad had his drums setup and I can remember hitting them thinking that I was making music and not just noise. I loved the loudness and just how freeing it was to hit…
The past two years have caused many of us to pay more attention than ever to our financial status. Whether you’re struggling to budget your money or need help saving for the future, we’ve got your covered with 5 ways to help save your money in 2022. Plan Out Your Expenses Before Each Month
When was the last time you’ve sent someone a letter? Whether it be to a loved one you haven’t seen in a while or a friend who you’ve been thinking of lately, sending someone a handwritten letter can be beneficial and healthy for yourself, as well as the family and friends you love. Here are…
So, you want to find a pen pal in prison. You may have found yourself feeling lonely and isolated during this pandemic. Now, you are looking for a way to connect to another human being. So, you start thinking about how you can make a difference in someone else's life and writing to an inmate…
There are many reasons you may not be able to connect to your loved one in-person in this season. From covid limitations to having a loved one in prison, it can be trying for a family to be unable to connect in-person. Regardless of the reason, here are some activities to play over the phone.